Almonds' New Favorite Color

Almonds loves to wear the color white. All her clothes are white: her shirts are white, her pants are white, her shorts and skirts are white, even her shoes and socks are white. White, she says, is her favorite color.

One day, she decided to play outside with Blondie, and so she got dressed in her favorite outfit; a white dress with a big white bow, a white sunhat, and white sandals. She met Blondie in the backyard, and Blondie was in her favorite outfit: a red flower blouse with red shorts, red shoes and red socks. Yes, Blondie's favorite color is red!

They played catch and climbed trees, but then it started to get hot. So they jumped into the little pond and splashed and splashed until they got all wet.

When they came out of the water, something looked different. Everything that Almonds wore were not white anymore... They had turned pink!

At first, Almonds was shocked that her favorite white outfit was no longer white. But when she looked again at her clothes, she thought that pink was actually a pretty color. So pretty, in fact, that she even liked wearing it!

And so Almonds and Blondie kept on playing, wearing their new favorite colors.

The End.

Playing With Blocks

Almonds and Blondie love to play with building blocks.

Blondie loved building high towers with her colorful Lego blocks. She built blue towers, red towers, yellow towers, green towers, and towers of many colors all at once. Her towers reached as tall as she was -- two whole feet!

Almonds loved building houses with her wooden blocks of many shapes. She built dog houses out of triangle blocks, birdhouses out of squared blocks, dollhouses out of rectangular blocks, and make-believe castles out of circular blocks.

One day they pulled out their building blocks to play with, when Almonds wanted to build a mini tree house. But they didn't have a tree. Then Blondie had a great idea. If she built a wide tower, then Almonds could put a mini tree house on it!

And that's exactly what they did. Together, Almonds and Blondie made a wonderful "tower house," and they were so happy that they could take what they love and create something even better.

The End.

The Color Game

One day, Almonds and Blondie were sitting in their playroom playing with their favorite toys.  Blondie banged her blocks together in her hands, while Almonds listened to her musical jewelry box.

Suddenly Almonds noticed something on the top of her jewelry box. "Ooh, ooh, ooh," she exclaimed, "my box is PINK!"

Blondie looked at her blocks and replied, "My blocks are BLUE and YELLOW!"

Then Almonds and Blondie raced around the room in search of more colors.

Blondie found a RED shovel and GREEN pail.

Almonds found a beach ball with three colors: ORANGE, PURPLE, and WHITE.

They love colors! Together they shared and laughed and played with all their wonderful colors... all day long.

The End.